Thursday, April 27, 2006

Spring is in the Air

The weather is getting warmer, resevoirs are beginning to fill.... spring is definitely in the air. It is so nice to be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. The best part is, of course, letting the kids go out as often as they want to get their wiggles out. My husband and I are trying to get the yard cleaned up and make some improvements. Anyone know how to get rid of the thatch (or dead grass) laying on the lawn without raking? We are also going to haul in some bark to go in the flower beds and create a new flower bed in the backyard. We also want to put a garden, but may have to wait until next year. It will be so nice to get the yard looking pretty. It's also nice to be able to do something as a family (although the kids mainly just play and pretend like they are trying to garden or mow the lawn with their toys.) I can't believe how good it feels to own a home and be able to do what you want to it!!! This has been a long time coming.

The kids are all doing great. We were outside playing with sidewalk chalk (or as the boys call it "hopscotch" because I will usually draw a hopscotch for them) and had a great time. Jaden is finally feeling confident enough with himself to draw his own pictures and make his own stuff up instead of always asking me to do it for him. Austin made some cute little pictures and even drew the temple "the one mom and dad were in". Whenever we go past the temple we tell the kids "that's where mom and dad were married." So we thought that was pretty cute for a 3 year old to draw. Children are just so amazing to watch and see what they come up with. They are so much smarter than are given credit for.

Well, my husbands parents are coming tomorrow to help us. Our underground sprinklers had a pipe that froze and broke this winter. Guy's dad is going to help us fix it and his mom will be coming as well. That means lots of cleaning for me tomorrow and getting caught up on laundry. I always feel like my house has to be unusually clean when they come, Anyone else like that with their in-laws? kinda crazy, because I know they wouldn't care!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Measles Scare

My good friend and I took our kids to the mall the other day. Her little 10 month old had been sick, but was looking great and if his little illness had gone away. We had a great day, the kids were pretty good and we each bought a new pair of shoes!!!

Today, I get a call from her and she tells me that her little boy has gotten worse and she did some research on the internet and finds out that he most likely has the measles!!!! Children aren't given the measles shot (MMR) until they are 12 months. She had called to warn me. Luckily, all of my kids are up to date on their vaccinations, so they probably would be just fine. However, we have a mutual friend who does not believe in vaccinating her kids. She thought she better give her a call and let her know. Our friend's response was not what she had in mind... She told her that her kids would not get sick because their immune system is high because she does not get them immunized and that her son got sick because of his previous immunizations. That is so contrary to our beliefs, my friend didn't know how to respond. What do you think about child immunizations? They are required for school and when our friend was asked about that , she said "By the time they are 5, I won't have a problem and will get them immunized". Don't you think that goes against everything she was talking about? Anyway, I'm just not sure how to take that. I really think that every kid needs to be immunized to be protected from these health issues. My friend and I were talking and hoping that this little measles scare would shock her in to getting her kids immunized. Apparently not.

Another topic of the measles: my friend took her baby to the doctor and the Dr. told her that he is 99% positive that the baby has measles. He wanted to do a blood test just to make sure, however the treatment would be the same no matter what. The test is just done so they can monitor the number of cases and the location of the cases to warn the public in case of an outbreak. That is just fine, however, the test would cost my friend a pretty sizeable amount. Should she have to pay for this even if it won't help her child? Should the state or county pay for it since it is for the good of the community? My friend opted out of the test because of finances, but feels as if she should have it done if it would help others. Her question was: should she really be responsible for it and couldn't they tell the community that there is a case of the measles and inform them of the symptoms anyway?

Side note: the baby is doing fine and is towards the end of the illness, he will be treated at home and kept comfortable!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Fun!?!

Easter fun?!? What a weekend!!! A little stressful and crazy at times, but a lot of fun. On Saturday, we decided to take the kids to the city egg hunt. It was at the city park and they had roped off the grassy area for the designated ages. My husband went with my oldest son to the 5 year old section and I took the two younger ones to the one-three section. They had two sections for the 1-3 yr. olds - one where parents were allowed to help and the other where parents were to stay behind the line. I decided to go to the unassisted section knowing that when parents help, the kids don't get to find any and are almost bulldozed over by the over-zealous parents. Anyway, as soon as the word 'go' was shouted, kids swarmed the grass. My daughter being only 18 months was a little bit cautious, but was able to get a couple of eggs by herself. As she was heading for her third egg, a parent on the sideline started screaming to her 3 year old "Over here, over here". The child ran there and almost knocked my daughter down as he grabbed the egg she was reaching for. Just a little annoying! I don't understand why parents feel like they need to make sure that their child gets the most or does the best. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box. The egg hunt probably lasted no more than 30 seconds. Kids had fun though!

On Sunday, we got up and went to church (the Easter Bunny comes while we are at church since it starts at 9 a.m. and I have 3 kids to get ready) and came home to a fun indoor egg hunt since I live in Idaho and the weather was awful! Apparently, Idaho hasn't received the word yet that it is Spring. The kids found the eggs and their baskets and were given a clue to their hidden Easter present. The boys each got a bike from the Easter Bunny. We were lucky enough to have the rain stop just long enough to give the bikes a try before we left to go have dinner with Guy's family. The weather was so crazy, we had sunshine, rain, hail, and even snow!!!

Well, I guess you could say, despite the weather and over-zealous parents, we had a fun Easter. However, we are still dealing with the after-effects of too much sugar!!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Great Vacation's End

We had such a great time in D.C. We spent a whole day walking around all the monuments and memorials in the National Mall. It was a ton of walking (especially with a sprained ankle!!! I am such a clutz!). I really enjoyed the Washington Monument with the WWII memorial, reflecting poot, and Lincoln memorial. It was such a beautiful day (72 degree weather) and a gorgeous walk. The Vietnam Memorial wall was amazing. It just left me in awe of all those who sacrificed their lives for the country, despite all the political disagreements. Anyway, it was beautiful. The next day, Guy and I rented a tandem bike and rode down to the Tidal Basin to look at the spectacular cherry blossoms. We were lucky and hit it just at the peak of the blossoming. Remember, all this was done with a sprained ankle! I am definitely paying for it now, but I wasn't about to let that ruin my vacation!

On Friday, we decided to take a little trip up to New York. We went to the Statue of Liberty, which was fascinating. We took the ferry out to it and had a great time. We then drove to Ground Zero. I can't believe how big of an area and that it held two such huge buildings. Right across from Ground Zero was the Fire Engine 10. They lost 6 firefighters on 9/11. They had a fire truck painted patrioctically for the public to view and a firefighter answering questions. It was interesting.
Anyway, that was our trip. We were gone 8 days. It was a long time to be away from the kids. I missed them so much!!! It was great to get back to them and give them hugs and kisses.