Thursday, March 20, 2008


I just got a call from my mom this afternoon letting me know about my Grandpa who lives in Preston. He has a bloodclot in his leg and has decided not to have surgery for it. Consequently, anything could happen at any time. So... everyone in my family (from Seattle) has been rushing to make plans to get here to see him. It sounds like all three of my brothers will be able to make it and my parents just booked a flight. I'm glad that we are all going to be able to be together for Easter and to be around my grandparents. My grandpa is a great man and I hate that his health is failing and that he hasn't been able to feel good for a while. I am going to try and post some pictures of my kids with him. They just ADORE their Grandpa Eliot. Austin just loves that he is named after him!!! (Austin Eliot) It will definitely be awful when he passes away to tell my kids. It will be so hard for them, they have never had the experience of anyone close to them dying - not even a pet! Anyway, hopefully, the clot in his leg won't break loose and he will be okay for a while. I feel so bad that we live so close and haven't made the short drive to Preston for a long time. It will be good to see everyone though - and now I must go so I can clean house for my parents!!!!


Kristy Skoy said...

I am so sorry. I can help you if you need me. I just went thew it myself. When I told the kids David broke down for hours crying. Kailtyn handled it ok until the next day when we went over to her house and she wasnt there then she broke down for a couple hours. I dont remember going through anything like that in my childhood. I pray that he will be ok, or at least at peace and not in pain. Send my love to your family.

Jamie said...

I'm sorry to hear your grandpa isn't doing very well. But how nice to have all your family visit. It is rare to get everyone together once you're all grown and have your own families. So I'm sure you'll enjoy the time together.

I'm sure it will be a tough thing for your kids when he does pass. And of course, it is a great idea to take lots of pictures. Kaylee is still young enough she may not remember him. So having pictures of them together will be great for her to know who he was and the time they spent together.

My grandpa has been sick for a while now. Every day my grandma says he's getting worse, but he's been hangin' in there for a few years. So who knows how long we all have. Just take advantage of the time we have together now, right?

Arlyn said...

Do you feel better having some warning that he's going? My grandma died the night before I got married. She'd been suffering from Diabetes for many years, so it was a relief. She was my last grandparent, as the rest died when I was pretty young. So I really haven't had to deal with a lot of death.

But how nice that you can see the rest of your family!