Friday, May 05, 2006

Fun Road Trip

We had such a great time today. My husband had the day off today for Cinco De Mayo, as he works for a company that serves mainly (but not limited to) Mexicans. We decided to take a drive up to a hot spring a couple of hours away. We piled the kids in the car and took off. They did so good and had a great time looking at all the cows and horses we passed by. We also had a great time at the hot spring. The boys brought their squirt guns and had fun trying to aim for the ants on the ground. Their aim wasn't the best! The water was awfully hot, so we didn't stay too long. It was just a lot of fun to be stuck in the car together with no one else. My husband and I were able to talk while the kids slept. It seems so hard to be able to talk with each other without many interuptions most days that this just seemed like a real treat. When the kids were awake (which was surprisingly most of the time) we had a good time talking about all the stuff we saw outside. It was such a gorgeous day and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. It seems so rare that we are able to do this kind of stuff! Long car rides can sometimes be so stressful, however, today was great and the kids did so well it ended up being a great bonding time.

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