Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Prussian Blue and a Question for you

I don't know if any of you saw Primetime last night. I was watching and it made me sick. They were speaking of Outsiders that are in the U.S. They talked to and about these adorable 13 year old blonde blue-eyed twin girls. They have a recording contract with a White supremacist label and call themselves Prussian Blue after there German heritage. These poor little girls have been home-schooled by their white-supremacist mother. She has taught these girls that all other races are lower than the white race and that Adolf Hitler had some "really good ideas" (quoting from one of the girls). Their grandfather wears a swastika on his belt and has it printed on his truck. These girls are used for propaganda and trying to recruit young 12 and 13 year old girls. These twins don't believe the holocaust even happened or at least not to the extent that it did. This segment just made me sick! I feel so bad for these girls, they don't even have a chance. They have been groomed for this ever since they were tiny and do not know any better. I just hope that someday they will be able to get away from their mother and are able to form their own opinions about race.

Anyway, sorry about my ranting.... Here is a much lighter subject/question for you. Why is that when your child is learning to talk, you can't wait for them to say "mom" and then when they turn 3 and above you can't stand the sound of it?

I love my kids, but sometimes, I wish they would say mom without the whine!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I didn't see the show last night, I remember watching the first one they had on these girls and was so sad at how they are raised and all the things they are missing by alienating themselves through their ideas (or really those imposed upon them by their mother and grandfather). I hope one day, the girls will be exposed to the outside world and realize what all people have to contribute to the goodness of this world.

Also, I think when it comes to our kids we are so excited for them to reach different milestones, and then when they do, we wish they hadn't. When they can crawl/walk, now they can get into everything; when they speak their first word, before you know it, you can't get them to stop talking or whining at you! With my second, I was less anxious for her to be able to do all those things knowing what would also come along with it.

And about the whining, I hate it!! It grates on my nerves like nothing else. The sweetest words to hear are "I love you, mom" but usually we hear "mom" in a less pleasant tone for some odd reason. We gotta teach them to whine to dad once in a while, right?!