Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween Party page and blah, blah, blah!!!!

Here is a scrapbook page I did of the kids from the Halloween party Lexi had for the kids. It was a lot of fun!!!! She had a bunch of games for the kids with prizes for them. They all got a new halloween shirt from her as well. I still have more pictures from their little party to make at least one more page of, and I still have yet to do a page of them all dressed up on Halloween!!! I'll get there someday!

(Notice Kaylee's eyes! She kept trying to look up at the visor on her head - it was so funny! The picture just doesn't do it justice!)

We are planning on going back home to Kirkland for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited, it's been almost a year since we've been back. The kids can't wait to see Grandma and Papa (as Kaylee refers to Grandpa - she has the boys calling him that half the time as well!). Kaylee keeps going through her toys and telling me "Papa would like to see this..." She is just so matter-of-fact! Over the Thanksgiving break, I'm going to have quite a bit of homework to do. I have a big project due right afterwards as well as two tests! I just hope I can make myself do them while there. That's the tough part.

We are going to try and get everything ready to decorate for Christmas before we leave, so we can enjoy it when we get back! I'm excited to get all the Christmas stuff out, just not looking forward to the mess it makes.

Well, tomorrow is my crazy day at school. 9:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night with just a short break to pick up kids and get them fed before hurrying off to my night class - which is so boring and pointless most of the time!!!


Kristy Skoy said...

That will give you a nice break. I am glad you can get away. ENJOY!

Jamie said...

It sounds like the kids had so much fun - how nice for Lexi to put on a party for them. It is nice you live close enough for them to be good friends. It is so funny to see Lexi as such a grown up girl with braces. How old is she now? I remember when she was just a few years old! Man, I'm getting old! Have fun visiting your family and good luck with the studying. Just think, after Thanksgiving, the end of the semester comes so quickly.

Jamie said...

Are you guys driving to Seattle? Maybe you could get some homework done in the car while the kids watch a movie? I don't know what we would do without our DVD player!

Erin said...

I didn't know you were going to school. what are you going into? where are you going? i'm jealous you are going home, I haven't been home probably 2 years, that doesn't mean i haven't seen family, but i want to go home and it's not going to happen this year.