Thursday, April 27, 2006

Spring is in the Air

The weather is getting warmer, resevoirs are beginning to fill.... spring is definitely in the air. It is so nice to be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. The best part is, of course, letting the kids go out as often as they want to get their wiggles out. My husband and I are trying to get the yard cleaned up and make some improvements. Anyone know how to get rid of the thatch (or dead grass) laying on the lawn without raking? We are also going to haul in some bark to go in the flower beds and create a new flower bed in the backyard. We also want to put a garden, but may have to wait until next year. It will be so nice to get the yard looking pretty. It's also nice to be able to do something as a family (although the kids mainly just play and pretend like they are trying to garden or mow the lawn with their toys.) I can't believe how good it feels to own a home and be able to do what you want to it!!! This has been a long time coming.

The kids are all doing great. We were outside playing with sidewalk chalk (or as the boys call it "hopscotch" because I will usually draw a hopscotch for them) and had a great time. Jaden is finally feeling confident enough with himself to draw his own pictures and make his own stuff up instead of always asking me to do it for him. Austin made some cute little pictures and even drew the temple "the one mom and dad were in". Whenever we go past the temple we tell the kids "that's where mom and dad were married." So we thought that was pretty cute for a 3 year old to draw. Children are just so amazing to watch and see what they come up with. They are so much smarter than are given credit for.

Well, my husbands parents are coming tomorrow to help us. Our underground sprinklers had a pipe that froze and broke this winter. Guy's dad is going to help us fix it and his mom will be coming as well. That means lots of cleaning for me tomorrow and getting caught up on laundry. I always feel like my house has to be unusually clean when they come, Anyone else like that with their in-laws? kinda crazy, because I know they wouldn't care!

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