Today was rough.... and I mean ROUGH! In the class today there were two children that were both of their medications. I am not a big proponent of medicating children (unless absolutely necessary...) and it is necessary for these kids. We had one talking back to all adults and trying to push his limits and totally disrupting the other kids. He was saying inappropriate comments and we could not get him to stop. Meanwhile, the other boy (who is quieter) was making cat noises (not to be rude to adults or bug the other kids, just because he couldn't stop himself) he was also licking the desk and cutting up his school work when we weren't watching. Those two were a lot of work. Hopefully, they'll have their medications all figured out soon. I feel so bad for these kids, especially the second one. He doesn't want to act that way, he just doesn't know how to control himself and isn't physically able to. So sad. Anyway, these 4th graders are so much older than they should be. There was one boy talking to some other kids about how girls have periods - totally inappropriate! I was on my way over to let them know that this wasn't appropriate for the class and they needed to stop, but one of the girls told him "I don't like this conversation. I think we should talk about something else." Good for her! She is so mature for her age.
Anyway, this class has so many issues (more than what I hear from other student teachers at different schools anyway) but it will give me so much experience. I am so lucky to be with the cooperating teacher that I am! I also met the principal today. He is great. He told me (very sincerely) that he was there to help me with anything he could. Most of all he wanted me to enjoy my time at their school. He also let me know that I am teamed up with one of the best teachers he has ever seen (I've heard that from so many different people). I've never seen a principal who helps out the teachers so much. Today, the lunchroom had ran out of mac 'n cheese (don't ask me how they let THAT happen...) and instead of making the teachers sit with their students while more was made, he told them to go ahead and have their lunch and he would stay with the kids until they were all fed! Anyway, I was impressed. I think this is a great schol, such wonderful staff, and I know I will learn a great deal. Even with all these challenges, the teachers manage to make their classrooms fun and inducive for learning. I think the kids feel safe and happy there.
1 comment:
Ooooo, sounds like a doozy of a day! But how nice to have a wonderful teacher and principal to work with and help you learn the ropes. Hopefully next week will be better!
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