Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Strep and Something Cute

Well, Kaylee is feeling so much better - back to normal - no more sleepless nights!!! That was until last night when Jaden woke up with a fever! We took him to the doctor this morning, and yes, he does have strep. He seems to be taking it better than Kaylee - maybe we caught it a little earlier. He is on antibiotics, so he should be feeling better soon. He had to miss his T-ball game today which made he feel pretty bad. It was his turn to bring the drinks and treats. I assured him that he will be able to take them next game since we traded with another kid. Well, that's the more strep part - now for the something cute....

Yesterday, I walked in to Kaylee's room where she had been playing quietly for a few minutes. I sneaked up on her so I could see what she was doing when she thought no one was looking. I peeked through the door and saw her sitting on the floor with her little baby doll (completely naked) on the floor in front of her. She had found a baby wipe and was cleaning the baby while she repeatedly and dramatically said "ewww, ewe, P.U." and "gross". When she was satisfied the baby was clean enough, she took one of her diapers and attempted to clothe the doll. It was so cute!!! I think it is the most fun to watch kids when they think no one is looking. Anyone else have any similar stories? I'd love to hear them!


WarriorWife said...

So cute!

Once while I was babysitting a bunch of kids the 2 year old girl snuck away from the main action. I went looking for her and found her just as she stuck her face in the toilet and called out "Hewwoo, is anyboyee in der?"

I started to laugh and learned that even a 2 year old can be embarrassed--she turned so red!

Jamie said...

I had not heard anything from Leevi's room for a few minutes and so I went to see what he was up to. As all moms know, an unusual silence means something must be goin' on! But not this time. I found Leevi in his little rocking chair, with his blanket over his lap, "reading" a story to himself. He was only 2 and it was adorable. To this day he loves to read and I am grateful for that.