Thursday, June 08, 2006

Strep Throat Nightmare

Hmmmm... let's see. Where do I start? The past four or five days have been a complete nightmare! Kaylee came down with a fever Sunday night and has had one ever since. When she didn't get better, I took her to see the doctor Tuesday and she was diagnosed with strep. She was given an antibiotic and I was told just to keep giving Tylenol to help with the fever. They had to give her a different antibiotic since she has had to much amoxycillin for all her ear infections. This one doesn't seem to work nearly as fast! I took her in to see the doctor again today. I'm just so worried about the fever. I can't seem to get it to go down past 99.5 degrees. The doctor just told me to keep up on the fluids and he increased her tylenol dose a little bit. If she doesn't seem to be better by Saturday, I'm to bring her in again. It sometimes takes 4-5 days for the antibiotic to take control. Anyway, I'm just so tired. I haven't had any sleep since Sunday night. Even when Kaylee is asleep, I'm still half awake listening for her. I'll just be glad when this is over. If anyone has any ideas on reducing her fever besides the medicine and luke-warm baths, I'd love to hear and try them out.

1 comment:

WarriorWife said...

I'm sorry about you're little girl! I don't know what most people do for fevers, but I wish I did to help you out.

Pryaing for you!